/Euro Working Group
on Retail Operations

Awards of the
EURO Working Group in Retail Operations

Retail Operations Doctoral Dissertation Prize and Lifetime Career Award 2025

For the Annual Meeting 2025, the Retail Operations Doctoral Dissertation Prize will again be awarded! Next year’s jury consists of Fredrik Eng Larsson and Jan C. Fransoo who accept applications until 31 March 2025.

>> Retail Operations Doctoral Dissertation Prize

>> European Lifetime Award in Retail Operations

In addition, nominations for the Lifetime Career Award are being accepted, the awarding will depend on a successful evaluation of the nominations. Please download an check the above document for more details and note that nominations should reach Pedro Amorim by 30 April 2025

Talking about the lifetime career award, we are happy to share the honorary speech of Karel van Donselaar, who received the first European lifetime Award in Retail Operations at this year’s meeting in Vienna.  >>Honory speech of Karel van Donselar